" What Lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us"
- Buddha

Welcome to my personal development and lifestyle blog. Experience the beauty of life through deepening the connection with yourself.

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It’s a beautiful life now!

What do you believe about yourself?  Are you enough in this moment in life?  Have you learned how to fail? Have you learned how to win?  Have you learned how to give?  Have you learned how to live? Have you learned how to take or make mistakes? Or do you think that you know it all so you don’t have to relate?  Does your mind tell you yes then no all the time?  Do you think by opening your heart you are committing a crime? Or that having lots of money buys you lots of time? I have not the answers to these questions and more.

As I feel that at times living life can be a chore. Then I also know that life always gives me more. I have created this site in order to explore, in order to create, in order to relate, in order to make sure that I profoundly communicate, in order to know, in order to see, in order for you to take the journey with me, in order to experience the world as one, and in order finish what I was sent here to become. I’m taking it a day at a time while not knowing how, so
Welcome to my self-empowerment site entitled It’s A Beautiful Life Now!

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