4 Ways to Have a Good Day when the Days Aren’t So Good

4 Ways to Have a Good Day when the Days Aren’t So Good

“Happiness Does Not Depend on What You Have or Who You Are. It Solely Relies on What You Think.”  -Buddha

Much of what makes a day good or bad is mindset. Research shows that a positive mindset has many mental and physical benefits. Having a positive mindset can lead to more confidence, mood improvement, and less stress. Having good days when the days aren’t so good requires focusing on the positive. How? The answer is now. It’s a beautiful life now explores “4 Ways to Have Good Days When the Days Aren’t So Good”

1. Do Something Meaningful

Doing something meaningful gives rise to positive emotions. These positive emotions can become the spark for deeper social connections. Meaningful activities increase life satisfaction and everyday joy. The pursuit of meaning creates good feelings as life begins to have a deeper purpose. Make a list of five to ten small things you enjoy doing and do at least one of those things every day for 7 days (click here to get your free “7 Days to a More Meaningful You Guide”). Take action to do something meaningful each week and check that action off of your list, like eating lunch outside, calling a friend to talk, or reading an inspiring book or article. The more meaningful life feels and becomes, the more joy we experience, and the more we have good days when the days aren’t so good.

2. Meditate

Meditation is practiced for many reasons and has many positive benefits. One of the many benefits of meditation is an increased positive mood and outlook. Meditation promotes emotional health and enhances self-awareness. The idea of meditation is to gain a greater awareness of thoughts, habits, and behaviors in order to steer negative behaviors towards a more constructive, balanced, and peaceful pattern.
A beautiful life now began exploring the many benefits of meditation in the article “7 Reasons to Begin a Mindfulness Meditation Practice Today” and reported on the many positive benefits of beginning a practice today. Metta is a specific type of meditation practice that develops a feeling of positivity towards one’s self then towards others. Practicing meditation and loving kindness towards one’s self and others is an act that can foster having good days when the days aren’t so good

3. Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude opens the door to more positive relationships, including the relationship we have with ourselves. According to Forbes magazine’s “7 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Gratitude That Will Motivate You to Give Thanks Year Round”, gratitude opens the door to more relationships, improves physical, mental, and spiritual health, and most of all improves self- esteem. The article goes on to state that “We all have the opportunity to cultivate gratitude. Simply take a few moments to focus on all that you have- rather than complain about all the things you think you deserve. Developing an “attitude of gratitude” is one of the simplest ways to improve satisfaction with life”. Gratitude helps with the acknowledgement of goodness in our lives, which in turn produces more positive emotions. Ultimately, giving thanks produces consistent happiness that in turn will lead to a more positive outlook and to having good days when the days aren’t so good

4. Be Good to Yourself

Having self-compassion is an important aspect in gaining positive emotional health and wellness. Taking care of your mental, physical, and spiritual health are important behaviors to practice in regards to having an overall more positive outlook on life. Building self-compassion in return builds self-esteem. Studies show that while self-esteem does attempt to promote a positive view of one’s self, it can also lead to self-deception and limit opportunities to improve, while self-compassion can lead to recognizing and accepting imperfections without self judgement. Other ways to be good to yourself includes eating a balanced diet, finding the right exercise program that suits your overall needs, connecting with yourself and others, spending time in nature, and learning something new.
The mind and body will be forever connected. Being good to yourself in one little area of your life can spill over to positively affect other areas of your life, making the days that aren’t so good; better.

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