How To Love The Skin You’re In


Beauty is not about having a pretty face; it’s about having a pretty heart, a pretty mind, and a pretty soul- Buddha

The art of loving one’s self can seem elusive to some, perhaps easy for others. Love yourself. The statement sounds simple enough. Low self-esteem, depression, isolation, and negative body image continue to run rampant in the minds of many all around the world. 

For me, the statement “love yourself” was definitely a fleeting idea that no amount of sticky notes or affirmative mirror talk could make a reality, especially on days when I couldn’t even stand to look at myself. For me, loving myself was an inside job that required action. Today I don’t feel the need to be negative towards myself. I can take a compliment, feel good about it, and receive it. I can give a compliment, feel good about it, and mean it. This was the first self-realization that I could accept as a positive step towards actually loving myself.

It’s a beautiful life now is discussing and exploring taking action and ways to learn “How to Love the Skin You’re In”

Practice letting go of self-criticism

Thoughts can affect feelings and behaviors. Constant negative thinking can quickly become a habit. Our mind can be our greatest asset or our worst enemy. We create our own reality with our thoughts. According to the Psychology Today Article “How Your Thinking Creates Your Reality” written by Jennice Villhauer, PH.D,

‘What you take in from the environment through your belief filter becomes your self-concept. Your self-concept is made up of I am beliefs about who you are presently, and I can beliefs about who you are presently, and I can beliefs about who you are capable of being in the future. From these I am and I can statements you create stories and narratives about who you are, that you tell yourself and other people all day long. I am not good enough, I am not loveable, I can’t do it, I am smart, I am capable, I can achieve my goals. You are the main character in your story and you write the script based on your self- concept that is largely self- created”

In order to begin the practice of letting go of self-criticism, one has to work first on fostering awareness. According to Deepak Chopra, “the first step in growth is always the awareness of the present moment (now) followed by an impulse to change something”.

Noticing also requires a level of mindfulness. Practicing mindfulness will help guide in the awareness of negative self-talk. The article “7 Ways to Begin a Mindfulness Meditation Practice Today” supports a healthy meditation practice that can aid in the practice of letting go of self-criticism and becoming more aware of living in the present moment (now).

Practice paying attention to your emotions and having self-compassion

According to Psychology Today, one of the best ways to support personal growth is by paying attention to emotions. Consciously paying attention to your emotions and feelings can lead to living in the present moment. You will learn about yourself, make better decisions, and be less vulnerable to what other people think.

When I practice paying attention to my emotions and feelings, I am able to connect better with people because I am more emotionally accessible and real instead of pretending to be something or someone I am not. I am less vulnerable to what other people think of me. I trust myself more, have more direction, and am able to make better decisions.

Paying attention to emotions also requires having self-compassion. According to the Harvard Business Reviews article entitled “Be Kinder To Yourself”, “using a tone of kindness, recognizing that pain is a universal human experience, and taking a balanced approach to our negative emotions that neither suppresses or exaggerates them, and expecting yourself to make the best decision you can in the situation you’re in can help you take a more balanced view of yourself and see when not everything is great.

Practice having fun and trying new things

Having fun and trying new things are imperative actions towards loving the skin you’re in. Practicing having fun and trying new things stimulates creativity and aids in getting to know yourself better.  As you try new things, you’ll naturally recognize who you are and who you want to become. Trying new things enables growth. According to Psychology Today’s article “Try Something New”, “We don’t ever grow from taking action we’ve always taken (the growth that enabled us to be able to take it has already occurred). Growth seems to require we take new action first, whether it’s adopting a new attitude or a new way of thinking, or literally taking new action. Thrusting yourself into new situations and leaving yourself there alone, so to speak, often forces beneficial change. A spirit of constant self-challenge keeps you humble and open to new ideas that very well may be better than the ones you currently hold dear.” Practicing having fun and trying new things will inevitably have a positive effect on self- improvement. So go ahead, try something new, and have fun while you’re at it!

Practice taking care of your body

Fortunately, there are many things you can do to take care of your body. The objective is to realize the self- care strategies that work best for you, become consistent in implementing these strategies in a daily routine, and increasing your personal well-being. Learning when to say no, taking a self-care trip, and learning to do something just for you. Planning regular self-care time is extremely important, like spending time outside. Moments alone can help you to think about the best ways to take action, move forward, and stay grounded in your life. There are many ways to incorporate self-care into everyday life.  One way I take care of my body is by using my favorite oil mixed with my favorite body butter on my skin. Now Apricot oil & Sabon’s Kiwi Mango body butter is THE MOST amazing feeling of self-care done right! Whether you decide to go for a walk, take a hot bath or shower, or go on a much needed road trip with your best friend, taking self-care time is imperative.

Loving the skin you’re in and having positive feelings about the body and in the mind can be a challenge to achieve in our culture of a perfect body, mind, and achievement standards. This message seems true and powerful, leading to the relentless pursuit of the elusive dream of the perfect body, mind, and spirit balance. Body and mind dissatisfaction are normal in most societies today. The belief that achieving the perfect everything is the fast track to a happy place of confidence, success, and life satisfaction. Appreciate your whole body and mind and love it unconditionally. Letting go of self-criticism, paying attention to your emotions, having self-compassion, trying new things, having fun, and taking care of your whole body are all ways to begin and practice how to love the skin you’re in.

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